Shrid Pant
श्रीद पन्त


I am a Software Engineer working on cutting-edge

Artificial Intelligence.
Internet of Things.
Web Apps.

Open Source Dev

I love contributing to open source projects. View some of my latest work »

· Stockie · Mindhunters · Digital Board Game · Hungryish · Last Mile ·

Research Contributions

My fields include the Internet of Things and Computer Networks. I have also explored the application of Machine Learning and Blockchain with regard to my fields.

· Cryptocurrency Mechanisms · Ant Router · Industrial IoT ·

Personal Note

Let's work together to revolutionize the world by enabling tech for everyone.

Follow my personal blog to read more about my ideas.

Open Source Dev

I love contributing to open source projects. View some of my latest work »

· Stockie · Mindhunters · Digital Board Game · Hungryish · Last Mile ·

Research Contributions

My fields include the Internet of Things and Computer Networks. I have also explored the application of Machine Learning and Blockchain with regard to my fields.

· Cryptocurrency Mechanisms · Ant Router · Industrial IoT ·

Personal Note

Let's work together to revolutionize the world by enabling tech for everyone.

Follow my personal blog to read more about my ideas.


Let's Chat!

I'm open to discuss ideas and professional opportunities. Feel free to drop me a text me on Messenger or send me an email.

Email  Messenger